Sermons from July 2019
詩篇126篇 上行之詩。 1. 當耶和華將那些被擄的帶回錫安的時候,我們好像做夢的人。 2. 我們滿口喜笑、滿舌歡呼的時候,外邦中就有人說:耶和華為他們行了大事! 3. 耶和華果然為我們行了大事,我們就歡喜。 4. 耶和華啊,求你使我們被擄的人歸回,好像南地的河水復流。 5. 流淚撒種的,必歡呼收割! 6. 那帶種流淚出去的,必要歡歡樂樂地帶禾捆回來!流淚撒種歡呼收割
Your Emmaus Road
Luke 24:13-35 On the Road to Emmaus 13 Now that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem. 14 They were talking with each other about everything that had happened. 15 As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and […]
以弗所6:18-20 靠著聖靈,隨時多方禱告祈求;並要在此警醒不倦,為眾聖徒祈求, 也為我祈求,使我得著口才,能以放膽開口講明福音的奧祕, 我為這福音的奧祕作了帶鎖鍊的使者,並使我照著當盡的本分放膽講論。
約12:36 你們應當趁著有光信從這光使你們成為光明之子。 各1:17 各樣美善的恩賜和各樣全備的賞賜都是從上頭來的,從眾光之父那裏降下來的;在他並沒有改變,也沒有轉動的影兒。
Relationship with God
Ephesians 5:10-20 10 and find out what pleases the Lord. 11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. 12 It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. 13 But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. 14 This is why it is said: “Wake up, sleeper, rise from […]
以弗所書 6:10-18 10. 我還有末了的話:你們要靠著主,倚賴他的大能大力作剛強的人。 11. 要穿戴神所賜的全副軍裝,就能抵擋魔鬼的詭計。 12. 因我們並不是與屬血氣的爭戰,乃是與那些執政的、掌權的、管轄這幽暗世界的,以及天空屬靈氣的惡魔爭戰。 13. 所以,要拿起神所賜的全副軍裝,好在磨難的日子抵擋仇敵,並且成就了一切,還能站立得住。 14. 所以要站穩了,用真理當作帶子束腰,用公義當作護心鏡遮胸 15. 又用平安的福音當作預備走路的鞋穿在腳上。 16. 此外,又拿著信德當作籐牌,可以滅盡那惡者一切的火箭; 17. 並戴上救恩的頭盔,拿著聖靈的寶劍,就是神的道; 18. 靠著聖靈,隨時多方禱告祈求;並要在此警醒不倦,為眾聖徒祈求
Are You a Follower
1 Corinthians 11:1 Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.